A lot of people confuse buffering and caching. In both, data is held temporarily and accessed. Those might be the reasons why most people think they are the same. But the two are very different from each other.

Buffering is typically used to match the transmission rate between the sender. It stores the original copy of the data. On the other hand, caching hastens the repeated data access speed. It stores a copy of the original data. Before we get into the differences, let’s first understand them.


A buffer is an area in the ROM that temporarily holds data when transferred between devices or applications or just between two devices. Most computer components operate at varying speeds, and therefore, the need for a temporary placeholder for everything that’s running. This ensures that all the components are running effectively and without hassles between various programs, processes, and devices simultaneously. So, if the transmission speed of any of the senders is slower than the receiver, then a buffer is created in the primary memory of the receiver. It works by accumulating all the bytes received from the sender. After all the bytes from the sender arrive, the receiver starts to operate on the data.

Buffering also plays a vital role when the sender and the receiver have data of different sizes to transfer. In computer systems, buffers play a vital role in the reassembly and fragmentation of data. The large data on the sender’s side is fragmented into small packers and then sent to the receiver end.

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On this end, the small data packets are collected and reassembled to create large data again. Buffering supports copy semantics for the application’s input/output components. As a result, the copy semantics provide the particular required data at the time when the system needs it.

There are various capacities through which buffers are implemented, and they include.

  • Unbounded capacity
  • Bounded capacity
  • Zero capacity


Before diving into what is caching, let’s first discuss cache. A cache is a special type of storage space that is used for the storage of temporary files that helps the device’s browser or app function faster and more efficiently. So, is it ok to delete cache files? Deleting should never adversely affect the functionality of your app or browser. Thus, it’s safe to clear cache.

Deleting these files is like troubleshooting as it helps to increase the loading time of the web pages, which improves the computer’s performance. If the computer fails to load a new version of the site, then there can be issues with the view. In caching, the recently accessed disk blocks are stored in the cache memory to be accessed when the user needs them again.

Suppose the data you are looking for is not in it! The data is copied from the source to the cached memory to ensure that it’s available to the user when requested next time. The data can also be kept on the disk instead of the RAM, and that’s advantageous because the disk cache is comparatively reliable.

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Difference between buffering and caching

Though buffer and cache refer to temporary storage, there are a lot of differences based on their application. Buffering is mainly used when the output peripherals are of different speeds. Due to this, the computer has to store data temporarily to perform other tasks. On the other hand, the caching process is mainly used to fast the speed of the data processed.

The cache consists of static memory instead of dynamic memory to perform its functions. That’s because this memory is comparatively slower, and this area has to be accessed by all running programs. This is very vital in the digital asset trading computer system. So, every time you want to view the content, you can do that within a few minutes.

Contrary to this, the buffer keeps track of the latest temporary data of the system until it’s saved. That means you have to store the content in the buffer and then save the cached data on the hard disk. The buffering process is mainly applied in the input/output processing.

If you are sending a file to the output device, the file is first temporarily stored in the buffer. Then the output device can access this area as the CPU performs other operations first. With the caching process, most of the users operate on the read/write process, and this means that the different processes running on the computer system can access the data saved on the disk.

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In buffering, the data is stored in the buffer as it gets retrieved from different processes or before it’s sent for another process. On the other hand, the data stored on the cache might be duplicates of the original values stored in a different place.

Types of buffering

Single buffer

In this buffering, only one buffer type is used for data transmission between the two devices. One block of the data is produced into the buffer, and then the consumer consumes the data. The processor produces data again when the buffer is empty.

Circular buffer

More than two buffers are used for the circular buffer, with each buffer being one of the units. The transfer rate is comparatively higher than that of the other two types of buffering. Here, the data doesn’t directly pass from the producer to the consumer as the data will change due to overwriting.

Double buffer

In this case, two buffers are used in the place of one buffer. As the producer produces one of the buffers, the consumer consumes the other buffer simultaneously. That means that the producer doesn’t have to wait for one of them to be filled with data. This process is also known as buffer swapping.

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Types of caches

Cache memory

Cache memory is directly tied to the CPU, and it’s used to cache instructions that are often accessed by the microprocessor.

Disk cache

Disk cache is used to hold recently read and adjacent data likely to be accessed soon. That’s why some disk caches are designed according to how frequently they are read.


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