When it comes to coupons, you know about your newspaper and printing them. But, did you know that if you email companies they will often send you some? It’s true! The trick is knowing what to say and how to say it. Successful contact will result in receiving coupons from companies.

Most people know that you get your coupons from the Sunday newspaper or by printing them online at coupons.com. However, sometimes the best products come from companies themselves!

The trick is knowing how to ask for the coupon. There are tricks we’ve used over the years that result in coupons for our favorite products.  You can either praise or complain and you may end up with a coupon, but there are things you shouldn’t do.

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It doesn’t matter whether you are praising or complaining, there is some protocol you need to keep in mind when emailing companies for coupons. And, just because one person receives one, doesn’t mean you will be as successful.

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However, following some specific rules can lend themselves to getting more than your fair share of coupons.


Be specific about the product you are emailing them about

Don’t just say I love Bar-S Products.  Tell them, I love your Bar-S Beef Franks.  Or, if you have a complaint, make sure you talk only about that product.


Provide product details

What is it that you love about the product?  Is it the packaging?  Is it a reasonable price? Is it a favorite of your child?   The more information you can provide, the better.


If you are complaining, be sure to have your package handy

Sometimes, they will request the UPC so that they can look into products, in case it needs to be removed from shelves and to monitor other complaints to be sure others from the same production line aren’t affected.


Be Polite

You know that saying “You’ll catch more flies with honey than vinegar”?  Well, that couldn’t be truer.  Even if you disliked something, be considerate in how you worded it.

Not sure how to say what you need to?  Well, here are a couple of examples you can use:



It takes a bit of finesse to write an e-mail complaining about a product, without being rude. You want to discuss the issues with your product, but if you are too angry, you may not end up with the result you want.  It is OK to be displeased, but you want to be civil in how you go about it.  Here’s an example:

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A few years ago, I purchased Kraft Sliced Cheese.  When we opened it to feed our children – it smelled horrible, and I had to throw it away.  I decided to email the company, and here is what I provided to them:

  • UPC details from the product
  • Date of purchase
  • Exact product name
  • An issue with the product

I purchased a package of Kraft American Sliced Cheese on DATE (product UPC:  xxxxxxxx).  It is the ONLY cheese I buy for our family because I trust the Kraft name and know that what I am feeding my children is a product that I feel is good for them. 

That is why I was surprised when the last package we purchased was spoiled when we opened it.  It smelled horrible, and the taste was bad enough that my children refused to eat it. 

I know that this has to be an isolated incident as we have never had any problems with your company in the past.  I felt the need to let you know, in case others were experiencing the same issues.

And what did I get in return?  A coupon for a free package of cheese — up to a $7.99 value!  So it paid off!



I have also written to praise companies.  Again, I am honest and polite.  Here is a sample of what I sent to Breyer’s about their YoCrunch Yogurt.

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I just had to take a moment to write to you to let you know how much my children LOVE your product!  In our house, yogurt is always called ICE CREAM.  So, my children don’t even realize that they are eating something healthy when they ask me for “ice cream.” 

When I bring home your product, my 5-year-old daughter’s face just lights up because she loves pouring the little candies into her “ice cream.”  As a mom, it makes me feel good to know that my children are enjoying healthy snacks that they love to eat.

And this one — sent me a coupon for a free package plus three coupons for $0.75/1.  So that saved us a lot of money!

It might be worth your time to take a minute and send some emails – you never know what you’ll receive!



I’ll be blunt.  Leaving comments via Twitter or Facebook is not successful in getting coupons. You need to contact them directly.

The best way to get this information is to visit the company website. Most of them will have a Contact Us link at the bottom of their site, usually in the footer.

If you click this, you should find details on how to contact them via e-mail, phone or even regular mail.  Just follow the prompts, and you’ll be on your way.

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No.  Not all companies will. Sometimes they will say nothing.  Other times, they may respond to thank you for taking the time to contact them.

If they do not, don’t be discouraged.  Just keep trying.  You never know when you’ll be successful.



I had a list a few years ago, and I shared it with my readers.  However, not everyone received the same coupons I did.  Many received nothing at all.  It had nothing to do with the way they reached out to them.  It was just a matter of changes in policies, the availability of coupons or even the person responding.



If you have never emailed for coupons, the idea may seem a bit overwhelming.  But, it doesn’t need to be.  The simplest way to know who to email is to take time going through your home.

Walk through your house and make a list of each product you use from toothpaste to shampoo and more.  Start in your bathroom and move onto the laundry room and every other room in your house.  The final place to check is the kitchen.

In your kitchen look in the pantry, check your freezer and refrigerator.  Look through every cabinet and don’t leave anything off your list.

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Sit down and send an email to every company on your list.  It will take some time, but you may end up with a mailbox full of coupons for discounts or free products!



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