Perspiring keeps you cool and helps maintain your inner temperature. However, when it is excessive, it becomes problematic. Excessive sweating is medically known as Hyperhidrosis. Hyperhidrosis is a condition characterized by an abnormal amount of sweating that is not necessarily related to exercising the body or a rise in temperature.


For anyone suffering from this health condition, finding the right treatment method can be a bit difficult. To learn more about hyperhidrosis treatment in Los Angeles, your best bet is to talk to an expert. They can help you make the right choice by conducting various tests and suggesting different treatment options.


How Hyperhidrosis is Diagnosed


For a correct diagnosis of your hyperhidrosis, you will need to visit a dermatologist. They are medical experts who specialize in skin conditions.


You should expect a comprehensive physical exam at your doctor’s office. One must also be ready to answer certain questions about your medical health, family history, and lifestyle. Your doctor may also recommend a medical examination known as a sweat test. Suppose they suspect that an underlying basic condition is responsible for your health condition. A thorough diagnosis involving more tests may be necessary.


Hyperhidrosis treatments 


Hyperhidrosis is a treatable health condition, and many people have reported significant improvement in their condition after treatment. Typically, the treatment you will be administered is determined by the area of the body you are experiencing the most sweating. Your preexisting health conditions may also determine your treatment options. Treatment options may include injections, drying medications, and surgery.

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Non-surgical treatments


  • Iontophoresis: Popularly known by the name, no-sweat machine. This medical device utilizes an electric current to temporarily halt sweat production. The good thing about this procedure is that it can be carried out anywhere, even in your home. All you have to do is place your feet or hands in a bowl of water. Then the device sends low current electricity using the water as a medium of transfer. This method of treating hyperhidrosis is effective, but it may take time to see results. You may need up to ten treatments before noticing any real improvement. Each session may last up to 40 minutes.


  • Antiperspirants: This is one of the first steps in dealing with hyperhidrosis. It is effective, economical, and is available in clinical or regular or clinical strength. Antiperspirants are applied directly on the skin, usually in areas affected the most— feet, hairline, or underarms. So once you start to perspire, your sweat glands absorb the substance and create a plug. Your body feels this and gives a sign to your glands to halt sweat production.


  • Botulinum toxin injections (Botox): Although a principal ingredient in treating wrinkles, Botox has been approved by the (FDA) as a medication for underarm sweating. For this treatment, your doctor will need to inject a little dose of the toxin at different points of your armpits. Botox works by blocking the chemical reactions that lead to the production of sweat. Usually, the treatment may take about five days to work, and the result can last up to six months.
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  • Prescription cloth wipes: These are special cloths infused with glycopyrronium tosylate. This is a substance proven to be effective in reducing sweating in the underarms. The wipes can be applied under both armpits throughout the day.


  • Prescription medications: Some oral treatments can help stop your sweat glands from functioning optimally. They are used to treat undue sweating all over the body.


Surgical treatments


In a situation where non-surgical procedures are proven ineffective when it comes to regulating your hyperhidrosis, then you can consider a surgical approach. Below are some surgical treatment options for Hyperhidrosis:


  • Removal of sweat glands: A dermatologist can use surgical procedures to remove the sweat glands found in your underarms area. This may include excision, beams, or liposuction. This kind of treatment can be carried out almost anywhere. The area to be treated is usually numbed before the procedure, but you may be awake during the process.


  • Sympathectomy: This type of surgery should be carried out in an operating room by an experienced surgeon. During this surgery, the surgeon may need to insert a mini surgical camera into the patient’s chest area for a clear view of the armpit. They will then proceed to destroy some nerves to prevent your sweat gland from receiving any signals from your body.
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  • Microwave therapy: For this therapy, microwave energy is delivered to the affected area to destroy the sweat glands there, using a device. This therapy really lasts about 20-30 minutes of two sessions. Each session is usually three months apart. This therapy also has its own side effects, including skin sensitivity and some discomfort. Microwave therapy can also be expensive since it is not yet widely available.


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